Request the document through a portal
create a Client Portal Group
create a portal
Enter the Client Portal Group of your choice
Click on "add a new portal" button. You can invite your client to the portal you are about to create, or not. You may decide to "just" create a portal without inviting anyone.
You can now create and share a secure upload link in a number of ways:
Generate the link from the portal's dashboard. Note that each portal will have a unique upload link that will work only with that portal. You can always invalidate it if it is no longer needed. Once generated, you can share the link using your own communication channels or via Messages
Sharing the document link via Messages works if you have already invited a client to the portal. Go to the Messages tab in your portal and click on the "+" button to create a new message.
Select 'request documents' as a mesasge type
Note that the message that will be sent to the client will contain a secure document upload button.
Request the document through a workflow or a proposal
create a Prospect Portal Group
create a Form template
1. Enter the Prospect Portal Group and click on Form Template
2. Then create a new form
3. Add a 'file upload' widget to the form and save it
You are now ready to create a workflow that can be sent to a client. Note that the client will not need to create login credentials.
In the Prospect Portal Group, click the '+' button, add the email address of your client (or pull it down from Contacts if the client's record already exists) and select 'Go to Step 2':
2. Create a workflow using the Form:
3. Send the workflow
Note 1: you can save the workflow as a template so that next time you send a request you don't need to define the workflow from scratch.
Note 2: if you are asking for identity documents, consider using our ID verification widget which not only asks for appropriate documents but runs ID checks automatically.