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6. Add your Services
Updated over a year ago

Setting up your services - a brief introduction

Setting up your services and prices is an important step on your journey to streamline your sales operation. Once set up, Services will become the central repository of knowldge about what you sell, for how much, and in what bundles.

To get started, click on Home and Sales Flows

Sales flows settings consist of:

  • Services - a list of your services with detailed descriptions and prices

  • Currencies - a list of currencies you do business in

  • Taxation - taxes you would like to add to your services

  • Service packages - your most popular collections of services

Step 1:

Define your currencies.

Click on 'Currencies' and add all currencies you normally deal with. The first currency will be the deafult one.

Step 2:

Define your taxes.

Most companies in Europe are likely to add VAT. The most important choice to make here is to decide if the price you quote should include or exclude your tax.

Some companies will have more than one tax as some services they sell may require a different tax rate or be tax except.

Step 3:

Add your services

You can load your services in two ways:

  • adding each service manually or

  • upload your "price menu" via a CSV uploader.

We explain each of these options below

Step 3a:

Add your services manually

To start defining your services manually first go to Services and click on "Add a new section". After you define your first section you can then click "+ Add a new service" and define the details of your service.

Each individual service has a number of fields, which should all be intuitive:

  • Service name

  • Price (one per currency you use)

  • Billing frequency

  • Taxation

  • Service Description

Step 3b:

Add your services via a CSV file uploader

To import services in bulk use our "Add Services in Bulk" service which lets you drag/drop a CSV file with your service list and map it into our system.

Step 4 (optional):

Define packages

This optional step allows you to bundle individual services into packages.

First create a list of packages you want to offer.

Once defined you can quickly add individual services to each package.

Once done, you will be able to import a package quickly when configuring a quote to save time.

Alright, you are now ready to send a quote or a proposal out.

Currently, we offer the ability to send these out via portals only, so we require that your counterparty already has access to a portal. We will offer "ad hoc" quote sending early in 2024.

A note to users with legacy Proposals module:

You will not see SalesFlows module until you uninstall Proposals. Please save any data that you may want to retain first as uninstalling the module cannot be undone. To uninstall Proposals go to Proposals and select 'uninstall' from the left hand side menu.

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